• Surfersnotstreetchildren (map)
  • Durban
  • South Africa

Surfersnotstreetchildren is at none profit organisation which works with a surfing and empowerment program for street children and kids at risk.Together with Surfersnotstreetchildren, Ahava Project will the 17-19th of April 2019 hold a surfcamp for the kids in this program.

The founder of Ahava Project, Coco Nogales, who himself grew up under difficult circumstances on the street, is looking forward to this upcoming event, as it is a great opportunity to exchange stories and create a sense of possibilities of a good future for these children.

During this surfcamp, these kids will not only recieve surf classes directly by professional surfer Coco Nogales himself, but there will also be different activites, such as beach clean ups, speeches about environmental consciosness, work outs, the possibility to participate in a surf contest and motivational speeches. The end goal of the Ahava Project is to empower these kids and to make them believe in their dreams.
